Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Winter clean up

A window box that looks abandoned, but really I got lazy and didn't clean up

My little balcony garden needs some tidying up

A dried up red bell pepper that I forgot about!

The view from my balcony, suburbs and snow – most of the snow melted away though

My chives, there's a little bit of green growing out there, I wonder if it'll come back this summer.


  1. I have not seen on thing of spring here...Oh how I long for it. It has been a long winter here in Utah...I have had enough of it. Cant wait to hear the bird's chirping and the flower's budding.

  2. It's been a constant back and forth over here. The weather has been spring-like then back to snowing. It is quite a tease!

    I feel the same way about winter Debbie!
